Undergraduate Resources

Undergraduate Resources

The College of Fine Arts guides you every step of the way to identify and accomplish your academic and career goals. Use the following resources to plot your degree progress, explore career directions and gain professional experiences through internships.

Intent to Graduate Form

Students must submit the intent to graduate form to the College of Fine Arts Dean’s Office when they have completed 96 hours of coursework OR two semesters prior to graduation, whichever comes first. If you are pursuing a double degree (not a double major), you will need to file an intent to graduate form with each college that houses your major departments.

Intent to Graduate Form


Additional Forms

Complete this form to request permission to take CLEP, AP, IB, or other exams for credit after matriculating at TCU.

Credit by Exam Form 

Complete this form to request permission to take more than 18 hours in a given semester. A minimum cumulative TCU GPA of 3.5 is required for consideration.

Enrollment Overload Form

Complete this form to request a class be added to your schedule after the enrollment deadline.

Late Add Form

Use these documents to prepare for your advising appointment.

Degree Plan Roadmaps are a tool to be used in consultation with your professional advisor and should be considered a suggested pathway to graduation.

TCU Core Curriculum

Art Degree Plan Roadmaps

Dance Academic Advising Form

Dance Degree Plan Roadmaps

Design Degree Plan Roadmaps

FAME Academic Advising Form

FAME Degree Plan Roadmap

FAME Sequence Sheet

Music Academic Advising Form

Music Degree Plan Roadmaps

Theatre Academic Advising Form

Theatre Degree Plan Roadmaps

Complete this form to request an extension of the deadline for an incomplete grade.

Incomplete Extension Form

Your advisor and department chair will use this form if a course substitution is needed for your major.

Course Substitution Form 


Approval for Transfer Courses Instructions

Follow these instructions to request approval for transfer credit in MyTCU. Prior approval from the Dean’s office is required for transfer coursework.

Transfer Equivalency Tool 

Use this tool to find courses that have previously been approved to transfer to TCU.

Transfer of Major Coursework Form

Complete this form to request credit for transfer coursework in the major.

The College of Fine Arts Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (URCA) Grants support student excellence in academic and artistic projects. These grants are open to all current TCU Fine Arts majors in good academic standing. Preference will be given to graduating seniors and students who have not previously been awarded an URCA grant. The maximum award will be $750 per student per year. Funds are not available for summer projects. Applications will be reviewed once a month, beginning on the second Monday of the month, from September until April, or as long as funds are available. Decisions on awards will be emailed by the third Monday of the month in which the application was reviewed.

2024-2025 Deadlines:

    • Sept. 9
    • Oct. 14
    • Nov. 11
    • Dec. 9
    • Feb. 10
    • Mar. 10
    • April 14 – Funds will be exhausted after this review cycle. Applications will not be accepted after this date. Look for new deadlines in the 2025-2026 Academic Year.

URCA Grant Description and Application

Departmental Honors: Goals and Duties

Student Responsibilities:

First steps

  • Talk to your Honors advisor about your upper-division Honors options: Departmental Honors vs. University Honors
  • Declare your intent to pursue Departmental Honors (via the Honors College survey and by telling your Honors advisor)
  • Find a professor in your major who is willing to supervise your project; or, if you wish to pursue a project in your minor or area of emphasis, start by seeking permission from the unit head (department chair or program director), then, if permission is granted, find a professor in your minor or area of emphasis who is willing to supervise your project
  • Talk to your supervising professor about the course requirements for Departmental Honors in their department or program

Phase 1 (typically during junior year or first semester of senior year)

  • Enroll in the first required Departmental Honors course
  • Work with your supervising professor to identify 1-2 committee members (the required number varies by unit)
  • Submit a Departmental Honors Registration Form to the Honors College
  • Complete the requirements for the first Departmental Honors course

Phase 2 (typically during second semester of senior year)

  • Complete the requirements for the second Departmental Honors course
  • Present your project in a public forum (in a venue and format determined by your college or school)
  • Two weeks before final exam week, submit a complete working draft of your project to the Honors College (via the Honors College online submission system)
  • [Please note: the purpose of this deadline is to guarantee that faculty committees and students have at least two weeks to complete a final round of feedback and revision; however, the Honors College strongly encourages supervising professors to set earlier deadlines, to better facilitate the feedback/revision process.]
  • On the Monday of final exam week, submit your final document to the Honors College (via the online submission system)

Departmental Honors process and principal duties (pdf)

Departmental Honors Guidelines