Shweta L. Reddy

Fashion Merchandising
Fine Arts Building 223 | 817-257-6329


Ph.D, Design and Human Environment, Oregon State University
MSc, Clothing Product Development, Manchester University, U.K
BBA, University of Madras
Diploma in Fashion Design, National Institute of Technology, Chennai

Courses Taught

IDFM 20253,Textile Fundamentals
IDFM 40203 Appearance and Dress
IDFM 20303 Topics in Design & Merchandising (Sustainability Issues in Textile and Apparel Industry)

Areas of Focus

Social-Psychology in Clothing, Social Responsibility in Fashion Industry

Graduate Certificate in Socially Responsible and Sustainable Apparel Business, University of Delaware (currently enrolled in the program & will meet requirements by Fall 2017)

International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA)

American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS)