Sally Fortenberry

Sally L. Fortenberry

Emerita Professor of Fashion Merchandising
Fashion Merchandising | 817-257-6752


Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University
MS, Texas Woman’s University
BS, Carson-Newman University

Courses Taught

Entrepreneurship for Merchandising
Global Trade of Textiles and Apparel
Career Development for Merchandising
Internship for Fashion Merchandising
Advanced Topics in Wholesale Sales

Areas of Focus

Career guidance, direction, professional development, personal assessment and mentoring
Collaboration with industry professionals and entrepreneurs
Global trade and the textile and apparel supply chain

Dr. Fortenberry’s research interest coincides with her teaching areas specifically as it relates to career development within the business of fashion and mentoring of students to find their best fit in the industry; whether it be as an entrepreneur or working with a major brand or retailer. She has developed 4 new course offerings since coming to TCU and has incorporated research initiatives into these classes. She teaches undergraduate classes in the Fashion Merchandising Major primarily junior and senior level. Fortenberry also coordinates and supervises all required internships for Fashion Merchandising majors. Fortenberry’s interest in global trade in the textiles and apparel industry developed as a result of her experience working in the manufacturing sector. She endeavors to help her students understand the many issues surrounding the global supply chain of the fashion industry.

Dr. Fortenberry has presented and published research and creative activities at international, national and state meetings and publications, and is research reviewer for national and state research journals and meeting presentations. Prior to entering academia, Fortenberry worked in the textiles and apparel industry as a buyer with a Dallas-based buying office working primarily with independently-owned specialty stores which sparked her strong interest in entrepreneurship. She also worked as a buyer with a 16-store retail chain division of a major manufacturing company. Prior to her buying experiences, she worked in textile research related to quality assurance and control as well as direct sales. She held full-time faculty positions at Texas Tech University and Northwood University before coming to TCU. Dr. Fortenberry serves as the Director for the Center for Merchandising Education and Research at TCU for which she plans and implements collaborative events with industry professionals for the benefit of the Fashion Merchandising majors.

Fortenberry has served as the collegiate chapter advisor for the TCU Beta Zeta Chapter of Phi Upsilon Omicron, national honor society in Family and Consumer Sciences, since 1991. Her involvement with Phi Upsilon Omicron and the student members and leaders at the collegiate and national level have been a life-long passion, beginning with her initiation into the organization as a graduate student in 1980, for which Fortenberry has given of her time, energy and expertise. She is consistently invited to contribute articles about her experiences mentoring college students through the national journal and provide key note speeches at national conferences regarding the value of honor society membership and involvement.

Fortenberry, S.L. (Spring 2016). The Phi U Chapter Advisor: Your Impact as a Mentor Part 2. The Candle, Journal of Phi Upsilon Omicron. Vol. 97, NO 1, Page 4-6. Invited

Fortenberry, S.L. and Blaylock, K. (June 26, 2015). Eportfolio: Tool for student career development and institutional assessment. Presentation at the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL. Peer Reviewed.

Fortenberry, S.L. (June 25, 2015) Strategies for Mentoring Undergraduate Researchers.  Research Presentation during the Coordinating Council of Honor Societies Dinner and Program at the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences National Conference, Jacksonville, FL. Invited.

Fortenberry, S.L. (Spring 2015). The Phi U chapter advisor: your impact as a mentor. The Candle, Journal of Phi Upsilon Omicron. Vol. 96 No. 1. Page 5-6, 7. Invited.

Fortenberry, S.L. (Spring 2013). The Puzzle of Phi U: Keeping the Pieces Together. The Candle, Journal of Phi Upsilon Omicron. Vol. 94, No. 1.Page 6-7. Invited.

Fortenberry, S.L., Reddy, S., Warrington, P. (Spring 2011). Community Outreach Promotes Collaborative Learning. Annual of Refereed Papers: Linking Cultures-Enriching Lives. Edited by Harriet Griggs, TAFCS Vice President of Academic Affairs. The American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Texas Affiliate, page 20. Peer Reviewed.

Welkey,S., Sullivan, P., DuPont, A., Blaylock, K., Fortenberry, S. (October 2010). Graduate Programs for Retail Merchandising: Options for Delivery. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. No.67. Fall 2010. Abstract, Peer Reviewed.

Fortenberry, S.L. (2009). Fashion industry employer attitude toward hiring international students after graduation. Texas Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal. Edited by Anne VanBeber, Volume 1, No.1, p 4.  Peer Reviewed.

Fortenberry, S.L. (Spring 2008). Survey of buyers’ perception of knowledge and skills necessary for success. Annual of Refereed Papers: Technology Excursion, A Century of Change. Edited by Anne VanBeber, TAFCS Vice President of Academic Affairs. The Texas Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, page 3.Peer Reviewed.

Fortenberry, S.L. (2004) Teaching Portfolio, chapter in Peter Seldin, Ed. The Teaching Portfolio, A Practical Guide to Improved Performance and Promotion/Tenure Decisions. Anker Publishing Company: Bolton, MA. Pages 177-187. Peer Reviewed.

Fortenberry, S.L. (Spring 2000). The Power of Your Personal Influence. The Candle, Journal of Phi Upsilon Omicron. Vol. 81, No. 1. Page 1-4. Invited.

Fortenberry, S.L. (Fall 1999). Nurturing Professionalism in a Changing World. The Candle, Journal of Phi Upsilon Omicron. Vol. 80, No. 2. Page 1,2,5,6,8,15. Invited.

Fortenberry, S.L. (October 7, 1998). Women Flourishing as Entrepreneurs.  Journal of Commerce .Vol. 418, No. 29. Page 321. OP-Ed. Invited.

Fortenberry, S.L. (Spring 1997). Ethics Education: Not a Matter of Choice. The Candle, Journal of Phi Upsilon Omicron. Vol. 78, No. 1. Pages 3-5, 10. Invited.

2011 TCU Panhellenic Outstanding Faculty Award

2010 Selected to be in the first class of TCU Coleman Entrepreneurship Fellows

2008 National Collegiate Advisor Award for Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society

2004 Selected for the Leadership Texas Program

2003 American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences National Leader Award

2003 American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences State of Texas Leader Award

2001 Selected as the AddRan College of Humanities and Social Sciences nominee for the Dean’s Teaching Award from the Social Sciences Division

1998 Carson-Newman Distinguished Alumni Award

1992   Department of Design and Fashion (now IDFM) Nominee for Burlington Northern Teaching Award

1990 American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences State of Texas New Achiever Award

1986 Northwood University Award of Faculty Excellence

Certified in Family and Consumer Sciences since 1986

ITAA (International Textile & Apparel Association)

AAFCS (American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences)

Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society ACRA (American Collegiate Retail Association)

Fashion Group International

 National President of Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society, 1998-2000
Phi Upsilon Omicron National Council Board Member since 1991
State President for the Texas Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2005-2006
Chair of the TCU Department of Interior Design and Fashion Merchandising, 1997-2003
Chair of the TCU Faculty Senate, 1995-1996
Chair College of Fine Arts Advisory Committee, 2016-2017
Chair TCU Institutional Review Board, 2013-2014
Chair Honors Council, 1993-2003
Chair Committee on Committee of Senate, 2004-2010
Fort Worth Retail Organization Board Member since 2009