Counseling & Mental Health Center
The TCU Counseling & Mental Health Center (CMHC) offers workshops, drop-in/crisis response, multi-track counseling services, specialized services, and peer support communities.
- Appointment scheduling: 817-257-7863 or visit Jarvis Hall, Suite 232
- 24/7 Phone Counseling Helpline: 817-257-SAFE (7233)
- After-hours emergency contact TCU Police: 817-257-7777 or 911
- New Suicide & Crisis Hotline: 988
Wellness Week
Open to all College of Fine Arts students, staff, and faculty! Learn strategies for cultivating your creativity, maintaining mental health, preparing for your profession, and sustaining your spirit.
Wellness WeekStudent Resource Guide
This document serves as a reference guide to on campus offices and programs, on campus resources, and off campus resources for students. This document can aid TCU faculty and staff in guiding students to support services, accessing applications for campus and public assistance, and navigating assistance programs. Additionally, students can use this document to navigate these resources on their own and connect with services that will aid in their personal and academic achievement. This document is not intended to be an endorsement of any organization, service, or program; nor is this document comprehensive of all on campus and community programs.
Student Resource Guide