Laura Barbee spent most of her early years jumping and sweating. At the age of four, she began taking ballet and putting that experience to good use. Laura went on to pursue dance both academically and professionally. She is also a certified GYROTONIC® & GYROKINESIS® instructor as well as GYROTONIC® Pre-Trainer with additional certification on specialized equipment. Now as a mom to a great boy, Fort Worth, Texas makes a wonderful home. She is honored to teach locally as an adjunct faculty member in TCU’s School for Classical & Contemporary Dance, teach company class for the beautiful artists of Bruce Wood Dance in Dallas, and work regularly with clients and students learning to live and move with joy.
Certified GYROTONIC® & GYROKINESIS® Trainer, Certified GYROTONIC® Pre-Trainer, Studio G, Fort Worth, Texas
Company Class Teacher, Bruce Wood Dance, Dallas, Texas
Freelance Professional Artist
TACA New Works Fund Panelist/Juror
TACA Artist Residency Grants Panelist/Juror/Interviewer
Founding Member & Board Member FurtherDance Fort Worth